

Seventeen years ago, Karen Blue, known for decades as “Blue”, escaped corporate life in Silicon Valley at age 52 to retire and write in Ajijic, Mexico. Blue holds a B.S. in Business Management and has had at least seven careers ranging from information systems to business-to-business direct marketing to Vice President of an international software service and support organization.

And who knew? She ended up as an expat in Mexico and a published author. It took a while for her to put her right brain in motion.  She has two grown children and one hunk of a grandson.

Over the years, Blue has authored hundreds of articles on moving to and living in Mexico.  She published her first book, Midlife Mavericks: Women Reinventing Their Lives in Mexico in January 2000 and her second, Baby Boomers: Reinvent Your Life in Mexico in 2014. As part of her retirement in Mexico, she sits on three different boards of directors as treasurer, secretary and director-at-large. It’s her way of giving back to the community.

In addition to reading and writing, she spends time line dancing, playing bridge and scrabble as well as myriad other card and board games, traveling, cooking for CASA (Culinary Arts Society of Ajijic) and simply enjoying the weather, culture, fundraising events and social activities which abound at Lakeside. She believes that the Lake Chapala area is perhaps the best place in the world for a single woman to live—well, for that matter, anyone with a bit of gypsy in their blood!

Blue welcomes comments, questions and suggestions and can be reached by email at