Midlife Mavericks:
Women Reinventing Their Lives in Mexico

midlife_mavericksMidlife Mavericks chronicles a new trend–unmarried American and Canadian women building better lives for themselves in Mexico’s beautiful Lakeside villages.

The stories of the 17 women included in this book cover a wide range of ages, financial situations and personal goals. Although not every woman will choose to reinvent her life by moving to Mexico, the “Indiana Joans” within these pages will motivate readers to reevaluate their situations and perhaps take some risks to try something new to improve their lives.

For anyone considering a move to Mexico, the openness with which these women speak–both of their fears and hopes, as well as their joys and disappointments — paint an accurate picture of what it is like to uproot a life and rebuild another one south of the border.

A cover story in AARP,  articles in Newsweek and Time and television spots on CBS have featured this book as they investigate why so many Americans and Canadians are heading south to Mexico. Many travel books are written about the Lakeside area of Mexico, but this book is the only one to document the “experience” of moving to and living in Mexico.  Anyone dissatisfied with their lives, or those who have considered packing up and heading south of the border,  won’t want to miss this. Even the men have resonated with the stories in this book.

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